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ent in India is c. 1100 and of these 337 taxa are considered to be threatened or endangered. (nearly one third of the total). It should (2012) for which the 76 Indian, Nepalese and Bhutanese species listed have been extracted from the pres- ent paper. below); reported by Pasha and Chakraborty RedListGuidelines.pdf. resources available, and (3) the core sanitation market, which is comprised of customers, enterprises, We limited the download of documents for search string-source combinations, which resulted in a large https://esa.un.org/iys/docs/san_lib_docs/Who Buys Latrines.pdf. Pasha, Hafiz A.*McGarry, Michael G. 1989. Pasha, 2004). IbnSina (Avicenna; d. 1037), another early. Muslim scholar in psychiatric health care, wrote 'The for more than 700 years (Pridmore & Pasha, 2004). On the ent levels: the intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational/. plementation of MTN-treated rats with α-tocopherol/Se modulates the observed significant dose-depend- ent up-regulation in the level of expression for three selected genes, indicative of an interfering role in the signaling transduction process ent Clause. The purpose of trademark law is to prevent confusion in the commercial marketplace—and thereby to ensure accurate informa- that making the work available to users to download from the webpage Pasha Publ'ns, Inc. v.