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2017/09/04 2016/10/04 weather forecast, wind gust and wind speed, indoor/outdoor temperature and humidity, air pressure and rainfall, this weather station will provide various weather information and weather forecasts. Heavy Weather Pro software setup hw wv5 us-rainsensorv2-1.5.4.exe - Heavy Weather Pro WS 2800 Setup heavy-pawnage.exe - Heavy Pawnage Setup weatherclock.exe - Weather Clock Setup emusd.dll - USB 2800 STI User Mode Driver heavy-truck-parking.exe - Heavy Truck Parking Setup mrweathersetup.exe - Mr.Weather Setup weatherclock.exe - Weather Clock weatherclock45setup.exe - Weather Clock Setup wwl72047.exe - Weather … the new La Crosse 2810 (via the curdat.lst file updated by Heavy Weather software) the Weatherwise Pro WS-1081, Solar powered transmitter and the WH3081 with Lux and UV sensors the Ambient/Digitech WiFi Pro station via data or via IP connection or via direct USB connection or via direct WiFI
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